Thursday, 1 December 2011

Goodbye Nepal

Can't believe it's been 2 and a half months already. It's been really good but there's been some bad too. I guess that's just life though. Met some great people who we'd like to see again in the future (we have food to sample and soap to make). We'll be leaving Nepal in just over a week and on to India. Hold on tight, I'm sure it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Some things about Nepal:
  • Mountains: We can't get enough of them. No where else in the world has them quite like here. We definitely recommend trekking. What better way to meet the real locals and other travellers.
  • The head wobble: Totally addictive. After a while of being here, you'll find yourself doing this. Instead o nodding or shaking your head, you wobble your head from side to side and answer the question. Or something like that, it's hard to tell sometimes.
  • Cows and dogs: Lots of them in the streets.
  • "Namaste": From the people who just want your money and then there's the genuine people who just want to meet you. 
  • The kids: "How are you?", "Where are you from".
  • Peddlers: Very persistent, even if you've walked past about 10 times that day and said no every time. We don't want to buy something just because it's cheap. And where would we put it all, our bags are already full of books haha. 
  • Dal Bhat: How could I forget "Dal Bhat power, 24 hour". It's mostly pretty damn tasty and great if you're veggie.
  • Milk tea: (Kody will stick to the mint). To make it Bondana style: 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup milk, spoon of sugar and some tea leaves, all boiled together. Nom!
  • Bus journeys: The only real cheap way of getting from A to B Bistarai Bistarai (slowly, slowly) but it still often feels too fast for the roads you're on. Some of the scariest roads we've ever been on. People sat on your lap, in the aisle and on the roof. Oh and goats in the boot.

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