Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Another post before we even leave sunny Norfolk...

So today we found out our working holiday visas have been approved. didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm far too excited about this all, it's rather silly. So anyway, we have a year from today to enter New Zealand.

We're thinking Nepal, India, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia then over to New Zealand, where we'll work as well as travel. Let's hope this plan works out okay. Been looking at a voluntary project in India with DAAN (http://www.daanfoundation.org/index.html) which was recommended by the Danish girls I met on my last trip. And also various wwoofing sites.

All very exciting.

Had our first rabies jab last week and back again for the second tomorrow.

6 weeks til we're in Nepal :D Will try not to post much more til we're actually there and doing stuff haha.